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Constructivist approach 


Projects for pre-primary and primary

Projects is an educational method for pre-primary and primary school pupils based on cooperative learning. It is Project-based and covers a variety of original topics, offering the flexibility to work on them in your own time – either bit by bit or all at once.

Project-based learning follows the constructivist approach and allows students to explore their school and the environment around them. It does so while incorporating various materials and sources of information. It uses different types of knowledge; students will learn, create, communicate, process and produce. Projects encourages diversity, integrating it on both a cultural and personal level.

The keys to this educational project are:

Freedom and Flexibility
Teachers can choose which projects to work on in the classroom, presenting and combining them as they wish. It is easy to adapt each project to the characteristics and needs of the pupils.
Simplicity and Versatility
The materials provided are simple and effective. They are easy to adapt to the needs of the pupils, individual classrooms and schools.
Experience and Security
The materials in this series allow teachers to develop their creativity and their commitment, as it is well-founded and created by experienced teams of experts. 
Projects allows pupils to achieve basic competences in a way that is simple and accessible. Just as teachers are always developing their own professional skills, they begin to promote this capacity of self-development in their pupils through project work.
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Por Proyectos

Proyecto educativo para aprendizaje cooperativo en Educación Infantil en castellano.
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Por Proyectos

Proyecto educativo para aprendizaje cooperativo en Educación Infantil en castellano.
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Water, Castles, Dinosaurs... Projects has a variety of topics that are fun, attractive and interesting to all pupils and have been approved of by teaching staff.
Textbooks and Teaching Resources
Educational materials included in Projects
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