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Competency-based learning 

Building blocks

For bilingual Secondary schools

Building Blocks is a new competency-based learning approach, applying the utmost curricular rigour and a coherent and coordinated content sequence in the subject areas of this educational stage. It promotes linguistic communication skills, which are essential for assessing our knowledge and understanding of the world around us and for developing social awareness.

The keys of Building Blocks are:

SGD commitment
Building Blocks establishes the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as a framework which encourages committed citizenship and learning. It promotes awareness of the challenges to be overcome in order to achieve the SDG. 
Linguistic plan
The linguistic plan of Building Blocks develops the communication skills, both spoken and written, necessary to build interpersonal competence. It provides students with the tools to describe, present, instruct, comment, defend or refute ideas, and more.
Developing thinking
The development of critical thought is basic for the analysis and assessment of data. Building Blocks puts forward strategies to stimulate reflection, creative thinking and decision-making skills useful in everyday life. 
Cooperative learning
This methodology allows students to put their newly-acquired skills into practice while simultaneously benefitting from the progress their peers make. It promotes efficient teamwork and cooperation in a diverse society
Emotional education
Building Blocks offers tools to develop self-awareness, and emotional management techniques for this complex educational stage. Emotional skills are basic to face everyday challenges and achieve social and personal wellbeing
Enterprising culture
This key promotes entrepreneurial thinking in three different capacities: personal, social and productive. Students will acquire resources to develop creativity and innovative thinking to take on responsibilities. 
Information & Communication
ICT are a fundamental source of information; however, knowing how to properly select and use information is key. Building bocks integrates the use of Information and Communication Technologies within the learning process.
Building Blocks is an educational project that incorporates strategies which allow students to assess their own learning, analysing what they learned and how they learned it. Learning to learn gives students the skills needed to reach their full potential. 
Professional Orientation
Academic and professional orientation helps students get to know themselves and understand their surrounding environment. It supports them in making decisions and become more confident in their entry into the labour market
Building Blocks offers the possibility of incorporating active methodologies, using cooperative learning and thinking strategies, promoting personal and social skills for emotion management and the development of entrepreneurship in a flexible way. It provides academic and professional orientation, whilst embracing equality and inclusion, all within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals that we must keep focused on over the coming years. 
More Building blocks
More educational projects

Suma pezas

O proxecto educativo curricular para Secundaria e Bacharelato en galego.
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Suma peces

El projecte educatiu curricular per a Secundària i Batxillerat per a Comunitat Valenciana i Balears.
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Suma piezas para ESO

Inicia este proyecto educativo en la etapa de Secundaria.
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Suma piezas para Bachillerato

Completa este proyecto educativo en Bachillerato.
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Suma pezas

O proxecto educativo curricular para Secundaria e Bacharelato en galego.
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Suma peces

El projecte educatiu curricular per a Secundària i Batxillerat per a Comunitat Valenciana i Balears.
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Suma piezas para ESO

Inicia este proyecto educativo en la etapa de Secundaria.
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Suma piezas para Bachillerato

Completa este proyecto educativo en Bachillerato.
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Building Blocks is an educational project rooted in skills-based learning, developing student engagement and maximising productivity in the classroom.

Textbooks and Educational Resources
Building Blocks' materials
Use the following filters to find all the textbooks, educational materials and teaching resources for students and teachers that make up this educational project:


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